Discernment at St. John Vianney

Wondering how God desires to work through you?

God is calling you to a unique purpose in life, a work of love that only you can do. You have received gifts through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you!

An enriching learning
experience for…
People wondering, “How can I follow
Jesus’ plan for my life, in this time
and place?
Parents who want to help their
children live their faith and recognize
their charisms (spiritual gifts)
People in transition who might be
changing jobs, adjusting to an empty nest,
returning to the workplace, or facing
New or returning Catholics who want to
explore what it means to live their faith
fully as an adult
Catholics discerning a call to religious life
or ordination
Parish staff and leaders who want to
nurture and empower parishioners

What you will learn from
the initial workshop
The ancient teachings of the Church on
how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work
in your life and in the life of your parish
The five steps of discerning the charisms
that God has given you
The signs and characteristics of 24 of the
most common charisms of the Holy Spirit
How discerning your charisms can change
your life

How discerning your charisms can change
the world
and help spread the Gospel
How discerning and using our charisms
together can help transform and renew
our parishes

Click on a name, read the Testimonies of People who have Discernment through Called and Gifted!

Questions? Email Kim Froude at: kfroude@sjvshelby.org