Looking for a great podcast for the New Year, check out the many links we have and get started.

General Catholic

The Catholic Talk Show (Ryan Scheel / Ryan DellaCrosse / Fr. Richard Pagano). Weekly. The Catholic Talk Show is faithful, hilarious, entertaining, and informative.
Fr. Mike Schmitz (Fr. Mike Schmitz). Weekly. Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.
The Jeff Cavins Show (Jeff Cavins). Weekly. Jeff Cavins shares faith tips and scripture truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.

Chris Stefanick Show (Chris Stefanik). Weekly. The world says the Catholic Faith is boring, and too often we act like we believe it. Ready to live your Faith like an adventure instead? Chris Stefanick wants to help you live the joy God created you for.
Ask Father Josh (Fr. Josh Johnson). Weekly. For the tricky times in life when our Catholic faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer, Fr. Josh covers everything from Catholic teaching to moral dilemmas to relationship advice.
Word on Fire Show (Bp. Robert Barron / Brandon Vogt). Weekly. The Word on Fire Show is a deep dive into all things faith and culture.
Road to Emmaus (Dr. Scott Hahn). Scott Hahn has spent decades teaching Catholics how to read the Bible from the heart of the Church – here are his most popular talks on The Road to Emmaus podcast.

All Things Catholic (Dr. Edward Sri). Weekly. Insights on understanding and living out the Catholic faith. Delve deeper into the Bible, prayer time, virtue, relationships, marriage and family and culture with practical reflections on all things Catholic. 

You Were Born for This (Fr. John Riccardo / Acts XXIX). Weekly. Join Fr. John Riccardo and Mary Guilfoyle in their podcast where they will talk about anything and everything that has to do with transforming the Church.

UTG@work (Dcn. Mike Houghton). Weekly. Our own Deacon Mike’s podcast, this podcast helps us understand our identity as missionary disciples, equips us to discover our unique mission from God, and supports us as we joyfully live out our faith and witness to Christ and the Gospel in the workplace.

Eyes on Jesus (Abp. Allen Vigneron). Monthly. Tune in as the Archbishop of Detroit shares his vision for the missionary transformation of the Church in southeast Michigan and talks about the early fruits of our movement to Unleash the Gospel.

Daily Podcasts

The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz). Daily. Using an exclusive reading plan rooted in The Bible Timeline, you won’t just read the Bible … you’ll finally understand how all the pieces fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today!
The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz). Daily. If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you!
Letters from Home (Dr. Scott Hahn / St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology). Daily. Your guide through the scripture readings of Daily Mas, including insight on memorials and feasts of our God’s saints and personal insight from sacred scripture.

Preparing for Mass

Unpacking the Mass (Keith Nester). Weekly. Helps listeners prepare their hearts for what they will hear in the upcoming week’s Mass through a thoughtful and practical interaction with the texts with an emphasis on personal understanding and application.
Sunday Homilies (Fr. Mike Schmitz). Weekly. Powerful homilies based on the Sunday Mass Scripture readings, inviting you to live more fully as the person God created you to be. Engaging and motivating, these will help ground your faith, fortify your heart, and transform your life.
Sunday Sermons (Bp. Robert Barron). Weekly. Listen weekly as Bishop Barron elucidates the wisdom and power of the Scripture in his Sunday Sermons.

I Am Here (Archdiocese of Detroit). Bi-weekly. During this year of Eucharistic revival, tune in for a new story of men and women from around the Archdiocese of Detroit who have found healing and transformation through an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.
Parenting and for Kids

The Messy Family Podcast (Mike & Alicia Hernon). Weekly. Family life is messy and unpredictable, but it is the greatest adventure you will ever have. Our hope is that our conversation sparks a dialogue between you and your spouse that leads to greater unity and intentional Christian parenting in your home.

The Beyond Sunday Podcast (Archdiocese of Detroit). Weekly. The demands of our different roles as Catholic spouses, parents, and working parents can sometimes derail even the best of intentions quickly. Tune in and explore how to be more intentional in recognizing God at work in our lives, and how we as families can go deeper into our relationship with him.

Catholic SproutsDaily. Designed to help Catholic parents and teachers give Catholic kids a daily dose of the Faith. Podcast episodes are just 5 minutes long, perfect for listening over breakfast or in the car. We cover all Catholic topics, from Saints to Sacraments, from Virtue to Vice and from the Liturgical Season to the Liturgy…and everything in between. 
Saint Stories for Kids (from Shining Light Dolls). Weekly. A weekly podcast of stories for kids about Catholic Saints, from the creator of Shining Light Dolls, Chantal Baros.


Girlfriends (Danielle Bean). Weekly. Like sitting down with a friend over a cup of coffee! Danielle Bean offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical advice for faith and family living. Join her for meaningful conversations and everyday inspiration.
Letters to Women – Exploring the Feminine Genius (Chloe Langr). Bi-weekly. A podcast where together, we embrace and explore what it means to live out the feminine genius in our ordinary, daily lives as Catholic women.
Abiding Together Podcast (Heather Khym / Michelle Benzinger / Sr. Mariam James). Weekly. Abiding Together is a podcast hosted providing a place of connection, rest and encouragement for people who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ.

Theology of the Body

Lust is Boring (Jason Evert). Monthly. Listen as Jason interviews special guests and delivers straight answers to tough questions submitted by the listeners on dating, singleness, marriage, and sexuality.
Ask Christopher West (Christopher West). Weekly. In this podcast, Christopher and Wendy combine their wisdom to tackle the toughest questions dealing with vocation, sexuality, marriage, and the Catholic faith.