Parents enroll their child for a Sacrament Prep Program at Registration.
All Children must be enrolled in a Religious Education Program at our parish or at their Catholic School.
What if I am a registered parishioner and my child goes to a Catholic School or is Homeschooled, and would like to receive the sacraments at St. John Vianney?
In circumstances where students are already receiving their religious education through another Catholic entity, they will simply complete the specific sacramental preparation programs for each sacrament here. At the end of first grade, parents should inquire about the preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. At the end of 6th grade, they should inquire about preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.
All children preparing for the following sacraments must provide a copy of their Baptism Certificate to the parish office for recording purposes.
When is First Communion received?
First Communion is received when the child is ready for the sacrament. The usual age for First Communion is 2nd grade, in the spring.
When does First Communion preparation begin?
The best way for your child to be successfully prepared for First Communion is by beginning their religious education in first grade. In the fall of 2nd grade, in addition to the usual RE program, the children are given a more in-depth preparation specifically for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion.
2024-2025 First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Prep Program
- All children preparing for First Communion must first prepare for First Reconciliation.
- All First Communion children who register, whether in person classroom or home study will prepare together and receive sacraments in Spring.
- All dates are subject to change.
You and your child will work together on the materials for Reconciliation (Click below for dates for the program)
When is Confirmation received?
Confirmation is received when the student is ready for the sacrament. The usual age for Confirmation is 9th grade, in the fall.
When does Confirmation preparation begin?
The best way for your child to be prepared for Confirmation is by continuing their religious education through their middle school years. Beginning in the fall of 7th grade, students are given a more in-depth preparation specifically for the sacrament of Confirmation. This is a two-year preparation process.
8th Grade- Children enroll in a program which begins in the spring of 8th grade and ends with Confirmation in the fall of 9th grade.
2024-2025 Confirmation Prep Program
All children who are preparing for Confirmation need to have completed Year 1 of our Religious Ed program and currently be enrolled in Year 2 of our Religious Education program.
- April (TBD)– Mandatory Retreat for students. Students receive Red Confirmation Journal
- June / July – Students and their Sponsors complete Red Confirmation Journal
- August/September Dates and Times TBD)– Red Confirmation Journal due. Students meet with a member of our Religious Education Team to discuss their experience.
- October/November (Dates and Times TBD by Bishop) –Mandatory Rehearsal & Confirmation Masses at St. John Vianney
What if me / my child didn’t yet receive a sacrament, and it is past the “usual age?”
We talk and decide the best way to prepare for the sacrament in your situation.
Please contact Michelle ( for Reconciliation / First Communion or Carly ( for Confirmation.
For more information about classes, email Michelle Kustarz at