Sundays at 9:30am & 11:30am Masses
What is the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Program/ CLW?
- A great way for your child to learn more about Jesus and more about the Mass!
- The readings will be proclaimed and then explained at an age-appropriate level.
- Prayers of the Faithful will be offered, the children can share anyone they’d like to pray for.
- Crafts, songs, and/or biblical skits will be included based off the readings.
Who is invited to CLW?
- All children between the ages 3-8.
- We will be in the meeting rooms, away from parents for a bit, just be sure your child is aware of that.
- If your child is nervous at first, you are welcome to walk back with them.
- Children return to Mass before Communion.
Would you like to join the CLW Team?
This program relies on volunteers. Training and Lesson Plans provided.
Flexible scheduling.
Adult Presenters
Lead children to CLW room
Present the Liturgy to the children
Reflect on the readings and lead prayer
Introduce the activity or craft
Lesson plans and all materials are provided
Middle/ High Schoolers
Walk with children to the CLW room
Help children listen and participate in the Liturgy
Help children with activity or craft
Contact Lindsey Ketchum, call 586-781-6525