Stewardship Fund Recipients 2022-2023

Believing it is necessary to be attentive to the needs of the wider Church and community, each year St. John Vianney Parish designates a portion of the weekly offertory to meet needs that fall outside those of the parish, especially through the support of charitable and spiritual organizations. The SJV Stewardship Committee is composed of parishioners who meet several times a year to discuss these needs. This past fiscal year (July 1, 2023through June 30, 2024) the following organizations were recipients of your generosity:

Abigayle Ministries                                                    

Agape Center, Romeo                                                

Agape, Hispanic Ministry                                           

Better Way Detroit                                                    

Capuchin Retreat Center                                           

Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan                 

Catholic Foundation of MI

-St. Margaret of Castello Fund                       

Catholic Relief Services                                              

Come and See Foundation                                         

Cross Catholic Outreach                                            

Crossroads Care Center                                             

Deo Gratias Ministries                                               

Gianna House                                                             

Guest House                                                               

La Casa Guadalupana                                                 

Macomb Food Program                                            

Pope Francis Center                                                   

Samaritan House                                                        

Sophia Institute Press                                                

St. Vincent de Paul                                                     

Right to Life LIFESPAN Educational Fund               

Right to Life Michigan Educational Fund       

If you have a charitable organization you would like the Stewardship Committee to consider for the fiscal year 2024-2025, please submit your request to the committee.  Requirements for consideration include being a 501 (c) (3) and they have a specific mission statement.

Your request can be placed in the offertory boxes in the gathering space and address it to “Stewardship Committee”. All requests will be reviewed and considered.