Find here a detailed overview of the events at St. John Vianney

SJV Young Women’s Group

SJV Young Men’s Group

Fish Fry

Stations of the Cross

The Rescue Project

Solemnity of St. Joseph

SJV Young Women’s Group

SJV Young Men’s Group

Fish Fry

Stations of the Cross

Stitching in Faith

SJV Young Women’s Group

SJV Young Men’s Group

Fish Fry

Stations of the Cross

Palm Sunday

Reconciliation Services

The Passion of The Christ

Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6:30pm Adoration 7pm-midnight Night Prayer 11:45pm

SJV Young Men’s Group

Parish Office Hours

Red Cross Blood Drive

Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 12 Noon Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 12:30pm

Blessing of the Baskets

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Mass

Parish Offices Closed
Happy Easter Parish offices closed today April 1st we will reopen on April 2nd.