The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is for those with a serious illness who are seeking God’s strength and healing. Though it was referred to as “Last Rites,” you can and should receive the Sacrament when you first learn of a significant ailment that potentially puts your life at risk (for example, any cancer diagnosis). It can also be received more than once.

This anointing is given by a priest. In an emergency situation, if a priest here is not immediately available, we will give you other options in the area.

If you would like to have an anointing for your loved one:

  • Call the parish office: Call the office at 586-781-6525. If you call outside of parish hours and you are concerned your loved one’s passing is imminent, there will be instructions about reaching an emergency line. Be sure to include a call back number.
  • Give Information: It is most helpful if we have information about your loved one (condition, urgency of the call, where they are located) as well as your contact information for follow up.
  • Hospitals and Homes: Many hospitals, nursing homes and long term care facilities have pre-arranged relationships with Catholic Churches in their boundaries. If someone from SJV is not available, you may consider inquiring through those providers as well.

For more information about anointing of the sick contact Fr. Jim Grau at or call 586-781-6525