Sacrament Preparation for Children
Click here to learn about First Reconciliation and First Communion for Children and Confirmation Preparation for Teens
Click here to learn about First Reconciliation and First Communion for Children and Confirmation Preparation for Teens
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) If you are interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, OCIA is meant for you. These sessions are for adults who have not yet...
Click here to learn about planning a baptism for your child, or about baptism for adults.
Click here to learn about planning a wedding the process of marriage preparation.
Click here to learn about how to plan a funeral for your loved one.
Anointing is available for those who have a significant ailment (not necessarily an emergency or "Last Rites"). Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn about how and when to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also referred to as Penance or Confession