Altar serving is open to anyone who has made their First Communion.

Altar servers play an important role at each liturgy and are extremely helpful to the priest.

Altar serving is a great way to get to know other people in the parish while providing a great service to your community.

Here at SJV we have four altar serving positions and each position does something different.

Right Candle

Processes in with the tabernacle side candle, during the offertory sets the altar, and process out with the tabernacle side candle.

Left Candle

Processes in with the ambo side candle, during the offertory escorts the gifts up to the altar, rings the bells, and processes out with the ambo side candle

Cross Bearer

Processes in with the cross and holds the book during the opening and closing prayer.


Assists with the incense at Mass when needed.

For more information about altar server ministry contact

Jennifer Kowalski at or call 586-781-6525