We Catholic men are husbands, fathers, and leaders in our community, and we are called to live out our faith in fulfilling these roles.
We focus on ways to live up to this calling.
All men 18 and over are invited be a part of the SJV Men’s Group, where we share faith, fellowship, and mutual support in a casual, welcoming environment.
We are husbands, fathers, and leaders in our community, and we’re called to live out our faith in
fulfilling these roles.
The Men’s Group focuses on ways to live up to this calling.
We meet on the 1 st and 3 rd Saturday of every month, beginning with a Mass in the Church at 8:30 am, and then discussion and
fellowship from 9:00 – 10:00 am in classrooms A and B Come join us!
Our first meeting will be on Saturday, September 7th. Please join us, and please consider bringing a friend.
Come join us!